Call Maree on 0419 403 802
571 Englehardt St Albury. [map]

Find out more What is Bowen Therapy? and then meet Maree Roberts – your local Albury Bowen Therapist.

Can Bowen Therapy Help Me?

Bowen Therapy

Yes. Bowen Therapy is suitable for all ages, from a baby with colic to an elderly person with arthritis, and there are no known contra-indications.

Although Bowen Therapy is a tool for treating ailments and injuries, many healthy people enjoy regular treatments to maintain body balance and sense of well-being for optimal health

Bowen Technique can also be helpful as a remedial therapy during recovery from sporting injuries or other accidents.

Rehabilitation time can be improved regardless of when the injury was sustained. 

What Conditions Can Bowen Therapy help?

This remarkable technique can be quick and effective in helping the following:

  • Back Pain and Sciatica
  • Digestive and Bowel problems including IBS
  • Ear Ache, Ear Infections and Migraines
  • Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Hip, Knee, Ankle or Foot problems
  • Menstrual and Hormonal Irregularities
  • Neck or Shoulder problems including Frozen Shoulder
  • Groin Pain, Pelvic Tilt and Uneven Leg Length
  • Respiratory Problems and Hayfever
  • RSI, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Tennis Elbow
  • Sports and Accident Injuries
  • and much more….

Bowen Therapy balances the body on physical, mental and emotional levels and can often be of assistance in many cases of emotional stress, where relaxation is a prime factor in easing pain and anxiety.

Try Bowen Therapy for yourself. Get in touch with Maree and book an appointment.

Bowen Therapy Albury - Maree Roberts, Bowen Therapist - 571 Englehardt St, Albury NSW - 0419 403 802 - LIKE us on Facebook